1·For the seismic prospecting data with additive noise, it has been put up to deal with the data using the chaotic oscillator system.
2·In the third part, the concept of coupling element is derived from the vibration analysis of a four-degree spring-oscillator system, and a whole transfer matrix method is developed on the basis of it.
3·Applying the formula into mesoscopic system we get the energy level of linear oscillator.
4·Single frequency source is usually used as local oscillator in communication system and radar system, also as a reference clock in digital circuits, so it is a extensive-applied technique.
5·Of the defects detection system of the shell of crystal oscillator, obtaining high quality preprocessed image is prerequisite to correctly verify the defects.
6·The experiment has proved that the research of elastic properties of vibration isolation system of the crystal oscillator and measures taken to prevent the vibration are very effective.
7·Applying the formula into mesoscopic system, we get the energy level of linear oscillator.
8·Depending on the oscillator frequency of the target system and the baudrate which should be used, it might be necessary to change the reload value of a baudrate timer.
9·A sea-air oscillator model of the nonlinear coupling system is studied.
10·The example shows that the bifurcation condition of single degree of freedom nonlinear oscillator can indicates the motional behavior of nonlinear flutter system.